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Immunization requirements for Transitional Kindergarten through 6th grade

California School Immunization Law requires that a pupil must be immunized against certain communicable diseases. Students are prohibited from attending school until all required immunizations are completed. All students entering TK/K through 6th grade must have the following immunizations based on their age upon enrollment:

4-6 year olds
7-17 year olds

Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (DTaP, DTP, Dt, or Tdap): 5 doses

(4 doses acceptable if one was given on or after the 4th birthday)

Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (DTaP, DTP, Dt, or Tdap): 4 doses

(3 doses acceptable if one was given on or after the 2nd birthday)

Polio (OPV or IPV): 4 doses

(3 doses acceptable if one was given on or after the 4th birthday)

Polio (OPV or IPV): 4 doses

(3 doses acceptable if one was given on or after the 2nd birthday)

Hepatitis B (Hep B or HBV): 3 doses

Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR or MMR-V): 2 doses given on or after the 1st birthday
Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR or MMR-V): 1 dosegiven on or after the 1st birthday

Varicella (chickenpox, VAR, MMR-V, or VZV): 1 dose

Varicella (chickenpox, VAR, MMR-V, or VZV):

1 dose for ages 7-12

2 doses for ages 13-17



The following Guidelines have been developed to help you determine when your student needs to stay home from school. Mountain View School District will follow the guidelines set by the California Department of Public Health and the U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in deciding which illnesses or conditions require temporary exclusion from school.


Should your student stay home or go home from school?

Overall, not feeling well

ST AY HOME IF any new illness or symptom prevents a child from participating comfortably in activities.



STAY HOME IF a fever is of 100.4° F (38° C) or higher.

RETURN WHEN fever went away after 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen (Tylenol or Motrin/Advil).



ST AY HOME IF vomiting has occurred 2 or more times in 24 hours.

RETURN WHEN vomiting has ended overnight, and your child is able to hold down liquids and food. Recommend frequent hand washing.



STAY HOME IF your child's stool is likely to leak from a diaper (if applicable), or if they are unlikely to make it to the toilet in time. If stool looks bloody or black, seek medical attention. RETURN WHEN IMPROVING. Recommend frequent hand washing.




Sore Throat

OK TO ATTEND WITH MILD SYMPTOMS. Please consider wearing a mask if age 2 years or older.

ST AY HOME AND SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION for difficulty breathing or swallowing, or continuous drooling.

RETURN WHEN IMPROVING. If an antibiotic is prescribed, take the first dose at least 12 hours before returning.



Cold Symptoms (I.e. cough, stuffy/runny nose, sneeze)

OK TO ATTEND WITH MILD SYMPTOMS. Please consider wearing a mask if age 2 years or older.

ST AY HOME AND SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION for severe symptoms, including bad cough, difficulty breathing or trouble catching their breath, or wheezing when not controlled by medication (like albuterol inhaler)

RETURN WHEN IMPROVING. If your child will need medication after returning, contact the health office for a medication authorization form.

Eye or eye irritation, including pink eye

OK TO ATTEND WITH MILD SYMPTOMS. Recommend frequent hand washing.

ST AY HOME AND SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION for difficulty seeing or hearing, an eye injury, or pain they cannot tolerate. Or for white or yellow mucus or drainage present.





STAY HOME AND SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION if rash is worsening, causing pain, has blisters, or not healing.

RETURN WHEN IMPROVING or as guided by a health care provider. In general, for conditions such as lice, impetigo, ring worm, scabies, hand, foot, mouth disease, and pin worms, your child may return as soon as they start appropriate treatment.




If a student is found with active, adult head lice, the student shall be allowed to stay in school until the end of the school day. The parent/guardian also shall be informed that the student shall be checked upon return to school the next day and allowed to remain in school if no active head lice are detected.


Las siguientes guı́as han sido desarrolladas para ayudarle a determinar cuando su estudiante tiene que quedarse en el hogar. El Distrito Escolar Mountain View seguirá las guı́as establecidas por el Departamento de Salud Publica de California y el Centro de Control y Prevención de Enfermedades de los Estados Unidos en decidir cuales enfermedades o condiciones requieren de exclusión temporera de la escuela.



¿Debería su estudiante ir a la escuela o quedarse en la casa?

En general, no se

siente bien

QUEDESE EN LA CASA SI alguna enfermedad o sı́ntoma nuevo le previene al niño

participar cómodamente en actividades.


QUEDESE EN LA CASA SI tiene 7iebre de 100.4 grados Fahrenheit (38 grados Celsius) o más alto.

REGRESE CUANDO la 7iebre se haya ido después de 24 horas sin el uso de medicamentos que reduzcan la 7iebre tales como acetaminophen o ibuprofeno

(Tylenol o Motrin/Advil).


QUEDESE EN LA CASA si vómitos han ocurrido 2 o mas veces en 24 horas.

REGRESE CUANDO vómitos hayan parado, y su hijo sea capaz de aguantar lı́quidos y

comida. Se recomienda el lavado frecuente de manos.


QUEDESE EN LA CASA SI el material fecal de su niño es capaz de salirse del panal (si aplica), o si puede que no lleguen al inodoro a tiempo. Si el material fecal se ve con sangrado o negro, busque ayuda médica.

REGRESE CUANDO MEJORE. Se recomienda el lavado frecuente de manos.

Dolor de Garganta

OK ATENDER CON SINTOMAS LEVES. Por favor considere usar mascarilla si tiene 2 años o más.

QUEDESE EN EL HOGAR Y BUSQUE AYUDA MEDICA para di7icultad al respirar o tragar, o si continúa babeando.

REGRESE CUANDO MEJORE. Si antibióticos son prescritos, tome la primera dosis por lo menos 12 horas antes de regresar.

Síntomas de Resfrío (ej. Tos, nariz congestionada, estornudos)

OK ATENDER CON SINTOMAS LEVES. Por favor considere usar mascarilla si tiene 2 años o más.

QUEDESE EN EL HOGAR Y BUSQUE AYUDA MEDICA para sı́ntomas severos, incluyendo tos fuerte, di7icultad al respirar o problemas en agarrar la respiración, o jadeos cuando no son controlados por medicamentos (como un inhalador).

REGRESE CUANDO MEJORE. Si su hijo necesita medicamentos al regresar, contacte a

la o7icina de salud para una forma de autorización de medicamentos.

Irritación en los ojos, incluyendo conjuntivitis

OK ATENDER CON SINTOMAS LEVES. Se recomienda el lavado continuo de manos. QUEDESE EN EL HOGAR Y BUSQUE AYUDA MEDICA para di7icultad al ver o escuchar, una herida en el ojo, o dolor que no puede tolerar. O para mucosidad blanca

o amarilla presente.



QUEDESE EN EL HOGAR Y BUSQUE AYUDA MEDICA si el sarpullido empeora, le causa dolor, tiene ampollas, o no se cura.

REGRESE CUANDO MEJORE o dicho por un proveedor de salud. En general, para

condiciones tales como piojos, impétigo, culebrilla, sarna, enfermedad de pie, mano, y boca, su hijo puede regresar tan pronto comiencen tratamiento apropiado.


Si un estudiante es encontrado con piojos activos en la cabeza, al estudiante se le permitirá quedarse en la escuela hasta el 7inal del dı́a escolar. El padre/guardián será informado que el estudiante debe ser chequeado antes de regresar a la escuela el próximo dı́a y permitido quedarse en la escuela si ningún piojo activo en la cabeza es



Janette Gonzalez Armenta is one of Mountain View School District's full-time nurses. She can be reached at [email protected]   or (909) 947-3516 to answer school based health related questions.


Bailee Perez - AM

Esther Cuevas - PM


To make sure your child is ready for school, California law, Education Code Section 49452.8, requires that your child have an oral health assessment (dental check-up) by the end of the school year in either Transitional Kindergarten, Kindergarten, or First Grade, whichever is his/her first year in public school. Please click the link below to view the notification letter, which includes resources for parents and the oral health assessment form.